Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I get the pattern / tutorial?
A: After the purchase was made, you are going to receive an e-mail with the download link and will be able to save (download) the PDF file to your computer.
Q: What is in the peyote and loom pattern's PDF?
A: All my pattern PDFs include:
1. Large image of the pattern which can be zoomed
2. Bead Legend with the color, name, number and quantity of the beads I used
3. Bead graph - a large, color coded & numbered graph of the pattern
4. Word Chart
Please note that my patterns do not include instructions for how to do the peyote stitch.
Q: What is in the tutorials PDF?
A: All my tutorial PDFs include:
1. Very detailed step by step written instructions
2. High quality computer graphics for every steps
3. All beads and bead counts needed for the project
Some of my tutorials also includes exact bead colours and photographs of the key steps.
Q: Can I get a discount if I buy several patterns / tutorials?
A: Yes, there are discount codes for orders over £15, £25 and £50 and I also run regular SALE events. Subscribe to our newsletter and you will never miss a sale.
Q: How can I view and print my patterns / tutorials?
A: All patterns and tutorials are in PDF format. To be able to view the files you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. This can be downloaded free of charge from their website:
Q: Oh dear, my question is not listed here... What now?
A: No panic :) You can always contact us through our e-mail: